esports 2022/23 電子競技行業頒獎典禮圓滿舉行



Yesports集團代表兼Yesports Master Club電競人才總會召集人沈嘉奕先生對所有來賓、新聞傳媒界的到場人士及線上線下出席支持電子競技行業頒獎典禮的單位獻上深切謝意!期待藉著本次電子競技行業頒獎典禮的舉辦,讓電競貢獻者發揚不屈不撓的精神,發揮無限的潛力!????????


再次感謝Cyberport 數碼港,十八里亞洲有限公司 Safari Asia Limited ,NFT平台 WATT-LabsYesMaster HK 以及Yesmaster GO共同舉辦是次頒獎典禮!同時亦對線上線下出席活動的前泰國觀光及體育部長、Toshiba (泰國)有限公司主席、開泰銀行董事會主席Hon. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul 女士、菲律賓駐香港總領事館總領事 Raly L. Tejada 先生、馬來西亞駐香港總領事館領事 Samzah Jamirin 先生、孟加拉人民共和國駐香港總領事館領事 Kamrul Hasan 先生等…





The 2022/23 Electronic Sports Industry Award Ceremony has been successfully held on the 12th January????60+ awardees from 26 different countries, who made great contribution to different sectors of the eSports industry were honored in the ceremony????


Yesports representative and convener of Yesports Master Club – Mr. Tim Shen would like to express his gratitude to all the guests and supporting units who joined the ceremony and celebrated the success of the awardees????????


Thank you co-organiser Cyberport 數碼港 , Safari Asia Limited, WATT-Labs, YesMaster GO , and YesMaster HK for supporting the successful hosting of the ceremony with us!

Greatest gratitude to all honored guests who joined us, including but not limited to:

Ms. Hon. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Former Thailand Minister of Tourism and Sports, Chairperson of Toshiba Thailand Co Ltd, and Chairperson of the Board of Kasikorn Bank.

Mr. Raly L. Tejada, Consul General, Consulate General of the Philippines in Hong Kong.

Mr. Samzah Jamirin, Consul, Consulate General of Malaysia.

Mr. Kamrul Hasan, Consul, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Hong Kong.


Once again, congratulation to all awardees and thank you all audience who supported us! See you next time!

