Yesports全力贊助《傳說對決/王者榮耀》香港戰隊 #SoulReaver – AOV

Yesports Master Club (香港電競人才總會) 自去年成立以來,一直致力培育香港電競人才,為香港電競選手提供各種資源支持,例如場地、贊助、訓練等。

今日, Yesports隆重宣佈將全力支持由傳說對決亞運版項目教練 傳說對決 RB紅豆 率領和指導的電競戰隊 #SoulReaver – AOV! 希望佢地繼續努力,加強備戰,不斷突破,在世界賽場上打出風格、展現實力。

本港電競發展之路,路漫漫而修遠兮。我哋仍然不忘電競初心,無論櫛風沐雨,繼續堅持前行。如果你對電競滿腔熱忱,歡迎你加入Yesports Master Club (香港電競人才總會),我地一齊努力,一齊進步!

Since Yesports Master Club was founded last year, it has been committed to cultivating Hong Kong esports talents, and providing Hong Kong esports players with various resources and support, such as, venue, sponsorship, training, etc.

We are glad to announce that Yesports is going to fully support and sponsor the esports team led by RB, the coach of AOV (Asian Games version). We hope that they can work hard and carry on, improve themselves, and unleash their potentials in the world arena.

The development of esports in Hong Kong has been with lots of hardship. However, we still exert all efforts to strive and move on. If you love esports, come and join Yesports Master Club! Be better, together!

教練及隊員名單 List of Coach and Players:


對抗路 TOP|YS 

打野 JUG|Nirvana

中路 MID|Kiki 


輔助 SUP|Qinglin
